NewDay Ministries is a vibrant multicultural, multiethnic church that is situated in the Leyton area of East London. It has been in existence since 2005 and is known for its friendly atmosphere, vibrant worship and powerful preaching. It is a place where people enthusiastically and unashamedly express worth and value to God in corporate worship. Our aim at NewDay Ministries is to promote and show God’s love in a way that causes people to forget past failures and embrace their new day, new opportunity and new mercies presented to them by God. With practical help and support, the members of NewDay Ministry seek to express their care and concern to everyone in need. We are a church that cultivates an environment that instills trust and acceptance. A place where your gifts are nurtured and given a chance to develop.
We are pastored by an incredible Pastor who has an ability to preach a word that touches people of all age groups. Pastor Simon holds a Doctorate degree in Ministry, a Masters degree in Theological Studies and a Bachelors degree in Theology. Our Pastor along with his other “Spirit filled” leaders are anointed and equipped to preach to this generation.
Visiting a church for the first time can sometimes be a little overwhelming. If this is your first time as a guest, you may have lots of questions such as; What time is service? Is there praise & worship? Where can I park? Are there classes for children? etc. This page offers you a starting point with information for some of the first areas you may need assistance in. Should you have specific inquiries, please contact the church office.
When you visit us at NewDay Ministries, you can expect a warm and friendly atmosphere. We have a congregation that is diverse from all walks of life. Our two-hour service commences at 11 a.m. and it is packed with great worship, singing, dancing, drama, and powerful preaching and teaching. We have Sunday School for kids along side the adult worship, allowing parents to be free to worship at the same time, knowing their children are being catered for in a safe environment. Our style of worship is a mixture of Contemporary, exuberant, youthful yet powerful worship, full of expression and praise for our Lord Jesus Christ.
There is no particular dress code so you can come anyway you choose. We want you to feel comfortable in the presence of God as you get to know God the Father in a more intimate way. Our Catering team provide refreshments for everyone immediately after service, so when you leave us, not only have you been fed spiritually but physically too. After you have worshiped with us at NewDay, you too like David will say: “I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord”…..Ps 122:1.
We look forward to seeing you.